These two mobile numbers 09055554619
08033334900, have been reported to be evil numbers that brings death or some kind of disaster to the call recipient after answering the call.
Earlier today we received these mobile numbers 09055554619 And 08033334900 with three audio recordings of people who claimed to have been a victim of these numbers evil attack via our WhatsApp line.
Here are the three audio transcripts
The first audio is from an anonymous lady
"my dear friends please don't pick this Numbers, once it is pick one's will be taking immediately please don't pick it. Use this line to save other people's life as i'm sending it to you please because of God and have the word of God in your mind send it to other people now. Immediately you should pick this number your life will be no more, they are using this line as 419 line now; it cause painful death to my sister's course mate. Immediately after that we called MTN customer care, they said this line is not registered at their centre that it is a fake line if it calls you please don't pick the number. And there's another one that is 555 and ends with 19 the number is two now please dear friend don't pick"
This is the second audio transcripts
"Good morning my brothers my sisters Na me Stanley from Italy and this morning meeting just happen this morning I surprise oh, this morning I ready I dey go school; when I reach school I com dey write as I dey write the next thing e no even reach 30 minutes I just hear call he just call me Na Italy number no name so Na en I pick the call as I pick ham I wan talk the oyinbo man com dey speak pronto! pronto! Pronto! Ah who be this as I just speak say who be this before I know my body just dey scratch me papapapapappap Na him shout say Jesus!!! Jesus!!! Na him I cut the phone as I cut ham e com still call back again I no com pick ham Na so take end the call. I beg my brothers and sisters I take God beg una many things dey happen for this country wey we dey I beg money ritual blood money full everywhere in case of this number call una make una no pick ham Na evil number please as I share this number please still share ram to your friend please I use God take beg una. I beg make una be careful I beg this number make una share this number to all your friend. Good day."
And this is the third audio transcript
"Hello hello oh, Na Jude dey talk from Mumbai India make una no pick this number oh as this number dey gan this number don take people's life oh for India here for India here make una no pick this number at all all these number wey dey here wey day call make una no pick ham he get one number wey call from South Africa for India here make una no pick this number oh Na India I dey talk."
Meanwhile, we make our research a step further, we used a call app called True Caller to search for this number 09055554619 to know the owner but what we got as a result is "****1wear collection"
We did the same for the second number and this was the result we got "Name: Alhaja Alebiosu, Occupation: Real estate broker.
What the numbers have in common as result of our research is that both numbers have been tagged as 3,437 times.
See images below